Test your browser, don't use a phone & other badge sale lessons to remember

10 MARCH 2017

It's almost here: your and my date with destiny. Assuming the new system works smoothly (new on the back end; from our eyes, it shouldn't look too different), by tomorrow noon PST some of us will know if we're going to San Diego Comic-Con 2017.

Just a few things to note. CCI published a small tutorial on their Toucan blog with useful tips. I know, I know; you're an old hand at this and you already know not to refresh, etc. It's still worth reviewing. Especially if you cycle through devices quickly like I do, or share them with other users, it's good to check your power save settings, JavaScript, and generally make sure they're ready for the task at hand.

The post also offered up their annual browser test, which brings me to my next point. People who took the test on their iPhone were mostly getting "passed" results but with a special message warning them not to use their phone. I really, really, wouldn't use your phone tomorrow. If you're at work, on a train, or somewhere you can't access your laptop, get someone you trust to cover you. I know people have gotten through on iPads and phones before, but the system is different this year. Do you really want to gamble your badge on this?

And now I'm going to sound like your mom: take it easy tonight so you're well rested tomorrow. Be hydrated, take some vitamin B12, meditate - do whatever you need to be in peak condition. From your blood pressure to your adrenals, badge sales can wreak havoc on your emotional and physical health.

Good luck. I'll be with you tomorrow on Twitter and here, live-blogging the sale.

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