Hotel reservations are struggling for oxygen

23 APRIL 2014

As you may have noticed if you're trying to get in. Who would have thought that after a smooth Hotel Day, Pre-Reg and Open Registration, something this minor would be the first crash of the year?

Of course, it's not really minor and that's why the system is struggling - people really want to get or change their hotel. What my Magic 8 Ball says in response: the Early Bird Hotel Sale will sell out in record time next year.

Hang tight, everyone. People are starting to get in and you will too. The list of above hotels is what's currently available but expect to see those start getting picked off in real time.

ETA 10:21 am PST: People are starting to get room confirmations. Just keep trying.

I know everyone's mind is on landing a room right now, but today made me think a lot about IT security. Weak systems plus credit card data = cybercrime target.  Let's hope Travel Planners, EPIC and other CCI vendors invest more in their technical security posture than they apparently do in their reservation systems.

10:47 am PST: The system is still having trouble. I'd advise calling Travel Planners and leaving your information with them:


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