Pre-reg will happen in early 2014

10 DECEMBER 2013

As I predicted a few posts back, pre-registration has jumped from December to January. While this might disappoint some of you, I think it's for the best. As for how pre-reg is going to go down, the process has changed once again - and it's anyone's guess how well it will all work out.

You can read all about the changes here, but this about sums it up:

  • This time, we all get shopping carts "to hold available badge inventory." What? To me, this just sounds like another element that could go wildly off the rails. 
  • Unlike before, when you had to buy badges one at a time, now you can just enter the number of people you're buying for. This is the most sensible change yet. No more families or groups of friends where everyone has a badge for a different day.
  • This is news to me: apparently in the past "non-members and ineligible attendees" could get into the waiting room and hog up all our space. To keep them out, there's going to be a new unique registration code that we'll have to enter prior to arriving at the landing page. Oh yay, another extra step.
  • But fear not! We are in the hands of "experienced engineers" who are working their load-testing magic to pinpoint problem areas. And resolve them, hopefully, though CCI doesn't say that.

Basically, they understand we are frustrated and cynical. They probably are too. Will 2014 be the year that registration goes smoothly? No, not for everyone - not even if they devise the most perfect infrastructure in the world, because there's still just too damned many of us. Especially for pre-registration where there's only a fraction of the badges available.

So that's that. You're free to have all the weekend holiday hangovers you want this month because December's Saturdays are now wide open.


  1. Is it I. January for sure? When?

    1. Nothing is for sure. Possibly it'll be February, but let's go with January for now.

      No dates have been announced. Make sure your email is up to date in your Member ID account and you'll get the announcement email.
