Updated: SLCC does NOT have a $10,000 VIP room

6 APRIL 2016

We've all heard about people who make and sell fake Comic-Con badges, but one guy took it to another level: he impersonated a federal agent at Salt Lake Comic Con, flashing documentation on a wanted fugitive, so he could get into a private VIP room that was $10,000 a head.

Let's digest that. Not the impersonation - fraud, crime, yawn, whatever - but the fact that people pay $10,000 at Salt Lake Comic Con just to be in a room with famous people. Who are these people? What do they get out of the experience? Do they ever calculate all the compound interest squandered with this financial choice?

Anyhow, Jonathon M. Wall faces 3 years in prison and a $250,000 fine; it would have been cheaper just to pay the entry fee. His sentencing is 9 June. Don't impersonate federal agents at Comic Cons, kids! Just in case that was one of your strategies this summer.

Updated: I talked to SLCC founder Bryan Brandenburg and they most definitely do not have a  $10,000 VIP room. The impersonator was just trying to get into the green room where the celebrities are. Which sounds more like the Comic Cons we know. Somehow the AP press added that extra flourish, but it just isn't true.

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