The SDCC Volunteer Interest List is now open


Have your thoughts been lingering on San Diego Comic-Con lately? Wondering when Pre-registration will be exactly and if the lottery gods will pick you this time or if you'll be staying home next summer? It's okay if you have; those are perfectly normal thoughts to have after the bloodbath that was Open Reg for SDCC 2015.

Either way, you'll be happy to hear that the Volunteer Interest List is now open. This only applies to those of you who didn't volunteer this past summer; if you did - even for one shift - you're eligible for Priority Volunteer Registration and already set.

But everyone else can log into their Member ID account, go to the Volunteer tab and sign up for the Interest List. Do that and you'll get an email notifying you of online volunteer registration in 2016. You won't get first dibs on volunteer spots - those go to Priority Volunteers - but you can try to fill in any remaining spots after those people have had their shot. Volunteers get in for free the day of their shift, so obviously it's a popular option.

I've never volunteered so I can't speak to the actual experience but everyone I know that's done it has been happy. In other words: it's worth signing up.

ETA: You can still do this if you've never been to San Diego Comic-Con before. As long as you have a Member ID account, you can sign up. This is absolutely an option for first-timers and you have nothing to lose by doing so. Even if you change your mind later, you can just skip volunteer registration. There's no commitment at this stage.

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