Packing for Comic-Con

6 JULY 2015

Have you packed yet? A few things to keep in mind:

The SDCC weather forecast is partly cloudy in the mid-low 70's. So bring something warm to wear at night. I'm guessing campers will get extra-chilled this week, so prepare for that too.

In terms of clothes, obviously this is highly personal but I wouldn't advise packing multiple outfits for each day (as I used to.) One, you really won't care that much about what you're wearing once you're there in the rush of things. Two, you'll want to leave extra space in your bag for bringing stuff home. That said, you may find yourself at a premiere or party you didn't foresee, so go ahead and pack a dress or a more elegant outfit if you want to.

Bring your most padded, comfortable shoes, no matter how ugly they are. You'll want them.

Bring a mini-pharmacy too: bandaids, moleskin, sunscreen, aspirin/ibuprofen, immunity boosters, antacids, whatever you might possibly need. Your hotel gift shop will charge you an arm and a leg and CVS can feel very far away when you're suffering.

Sounds counterintuitive, but bring something to read. Yes, you'll be surrounded by reading material. But especially on those first days, you could find yourself in a long line without anything to do. Load up your iPad or bring a book.

Bring anything you want signed and have some kind of sketchbook or journal for artist sketches.

Unless you hate swimming, bring a bathing suit for the pool, sauna and beach. You might think you'll be too busy to swim but it's a nice break from the Con.

Make sure you have your business cards, portfolio, marketing materials and an organized list of everyone you want to network with and where to find them.

If you're cosplaying for the first time, pack extra material, buttons, a backup pair of wings, your hot glue gun, anything that can save the day. Costumes have a way of disintegrating in the wear and tear of the Con.

Given that you might be using your devices nonstop, bring battery packs and general backup so you're not dependent on long recharging sessions. Extra headphones too. On that note, decide if you really need your laptop at the Con. If you can get by on your phone or tablet, do it. You'll spend less time in your room than you think.

It's almost here.

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