Recovery-Con 2014 Dinner Meet-Up

17 JULY 2014

A week or so back, I posted about a potential meet-up for Comic-Con attendees in recovery. It's definitely happening, so if you're sober (or struggling) and would like to spend an evening with other nerds in recovery, this is for you.

The organizers are looking for ideas to expand this into other events; if you want to get involved in starting a safe space for alcoholic/addict nerds at the Con, please share your ideas. If you can't attend the dinner but would like to get involved anyhow, you can email the organizers.

What: Recovery-Con 2014 Dinner Meet-Up

When: Saturday, July 26th - 8:00 pm

Where: Luna Grill, Hillcrest Location -  350 University Ave, San Diego

Why: Attendees in recovery will have a safe place to socialize, network and have fun with others in recovery.

Some attendees will meet up at 7:15 at Horton Plaza at the corner of Broadway and 4th to share transportation like a taxi or Uber. If you have any questions, feel free to email the organizers.

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