Phoenix Comicon still has badges, hotels available

1 JUNE 2014

If you've been toying with the idea of hitting up Phoenix Comicon, there are still plenty of hotel rooms (and badges) left. These aren't SDCC prices, either; some hotel rooms are as low as $77 a night and the badges are $70 for the entire event up until 4 June.

The Con runs from 5-8 June at the Phoenix Convention Center. This year's events are too numerous to list but include comedy shows, cosplay fashion shows and mixers, the Doctor Who Party Like a Timelord bash, a geek prom, a Peter Pan pool party, roller derbies, a Sherlock Holmes scavenger hunt, the Talk Nerdy to Me Burlesque, a zombie walk/beauty pageant/ obstacle course, a haunted house and a steampunk ball. And of course lots of gaming, film festivals and competitions.

As far as programming goes, the panels are a bit more eclectic than you'll see at other Cons. There are workshops on drawing and writing for comics and movies, of course, but also on horror makeup, planning your geek wedding, ghost-hunting, making money on YouTube and other sundry topics. People like Stan Lee, John Barrowman and Nathan Fillion have spotlight panels.

Overall, it's a very laidback Con. Does it bring the thunder and grandeur of San Diego? No, not even close. But if you have nothing to do this weekend, and can travel without an exorbitant plane ticket involved, it's worth going.

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