Open Reg will take an hour; there won't be a resale

20 FEBRUARY 2015

CCI's Toucan blog just posted a good FAQ on Open Registration. It mostly clarifies things that I think most of us already know - no multiple credit cards, no sharing registration codes - but it also shared a few more arcane tidbits.

On buying for kids: "Your Member Type (adult, junior, senior) is determined by your age on the date you purchase your badge." So it doesn't matter if the kid will be 18 when he walks into the convention center; if he's 17 on Saturday, he's a junior.

It's going to be quick (but still painful): "We anticipate that all badges will be sold out in about an hour, so please plan accordingly." That's not terribly different from Pre-registration, but I still got butterflies when I read it.

No resale this year. "Like last year, we do not anticipate that there will be a sale of returned badges at a later date." We already guessed that but it does add a ring of finality to this weekend.

I feel like everyone should be relatively comfortable with the process at this point. If you're not, don't assume you'll just improvise your way through on Saturday. Figure it out now.

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